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What Are The Causes Of Tooth Sensitivity?

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Causes Of Tooth Sensitivity- Many suffer sensitive teeth symptoms, typically discomfort or pain while eating, drinking, and breathing. Causes of sharp teeth can vary from deteriorated tooth enamel to unprotected tooth roots. Tooth sensitivity is a common and often chronic dental problem involving discomfort or pain in the teeth when encountering certain substances and temperatures.

Causes Of Tooth SensitivityCauses Of Tooth Sensitivity

The pain usually comes in sharp bursts that travel deep into the nerve. Tooth sensitivity is often triggered by sweet foods and beverages and hot and cold foods and beverages.

Brushing Too Aggressively

Keeping your teeth clean and plaque-free is fundamental to your oral health. However, using a stiff bristle brush or brushing teeth harshly can wear down the enamel and be one of the top causes of tooth sensitivity. Once this protective coating is damaged or worn down entirely, the dentin underneath is exposed. This tissue inside the tooth is susceptible to stimuli. Using a softer bristle brush and brushing less vigorously is your best course. Brushing too vigorously can erode the hard protective layer on the teeth. Don’t brush too soon after eating or drinking; use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Once enamel is worn away, it cannot be replaced and can lead to tooth discoloration and decay.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth

If you have a chipped or cracked tooth and notice pain resonating from that particular tooth, this is a severe condition and one of the top causes of sensitive teeth. The discomfort experienced most likely results from plaque and food debris seeping into your teeth, accessing the pulp, and causing an infection. Extraction, a root canal, or another dental procedure must be done to treat the disease and alleviate the pain. In addition, cavities can weaken the teeth and predispose you to chipped teeth. Bad Bite: Biting down on something hard, such as an ice cube, a piece of hard candy, or a bone.

Cavity Worn Filling

In some instances, a cavity causes sensitive teeth. Much like cracks or chips in a tooth, a pit also opens to deep layers of the tooth. Poor oral hygiene and regular consumption of sugary foods and drinks will lead to sensitive teeth.

The purpose of a filling is to repair cavities and openings in the teeth. However, over time, these fillings can wear down. As they do, an entrance to the tooth is once again revealed. Relieve sensitive teeth from this cause with a secure packing.

Teeth Grinding

People grind their teeth will wear them down, causing extreme discomfort and tooth sensitivity. Ask your dentist about bruxism. A mouth guard might be suggested for your sensitive teeth. This is the most common cause of teeth grinding. Sleep problems like snoring, obstructive sleep apnea and sleep paralysis. taking certain medicines, including a type of antidepressant known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Acidic Foods or Drinks

A typical cause of sharp teeth is the continued consumption of acidic foods or drinks. The chemicals in these items attack the enamel of the teeth, causing them to wear down and lose their strength. Decreasing the consumption of these items can reduce tooth sensitivity. The most acidic fruits are lemons, limes, plums, grapes, grapefruits and blueberries. Pineapples, oranges, peaches and tomatoes are also high in acid. It would a mistake to remove these from our diet – after all, they are nutritious, and our body needs them.

Gum Disease

Gum disease results from poor oral hygiene habits. With severe plaque build-up, bacteria can collect heavily on the gums. It causes sore and bleeding gums and discomfort while chewing. More severely, it can attack the bone of the teeth, often resulting in deterioration, pain, and eventually tooth loss.  Gum disease can be cured. Essentially, it’s all about removing bacteria from your mouth and allowing the gums to heal back to a healthy state. If you want to get rid of gum disease, the first step is to get the proper education so that you know how to clean your tooth effectively at home

Excessive Plaque

Gingivitis is the preceding stage of gum disease and occurs when plaque builds up on the teeth and along the gum line. It causes red, swollen, tender gums. If left untreated, gingivitis leads to gum recession, exposing the teeth’ roots. This state of vulnerability leads to susceptible teeth.

Why is Tooth Sensitive to Heat and Cold?

  • Cavities.
  • Tooth decay.
  • Tooth injury, like a bruised tooth or chipped tooth.
  • Teeth grinding.
  • Gum disease.
  • Receding gums.
  • Harsh dental-care products, like whitening kinds of toothpaste and alcohol-based mouthwashes.
  • Some kinds of dental work, like crowns and fillings.


Causes of Tooth Sensitivity. You don’t maintain good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily. And also, You don’t see your dentist for regular check-ups. You consume a lot of acidic drinks. You grind your teeth. Causes of tooth sensitivity pain can be experienced in different ways. Taking care of the problem requires finding the reason for the pain.